Revista Temas de Derecho Constitucional

160 Revista Temas de Derecho Constitucional resulting in an outcry by asylum rights actors. 13 The provision of asylum as a durable, pacific solution to the plight of forcedmigration is in peril and this is particularly striking as the international community remains unable to resolve the largest forced migration crisis since World War II. Systemic solutions should be pursued, but they should retain an orientation grounded in human rights and peace as fundamental values. Bibliography Antonio A. Cancado Trindade, ‘Some Reflections on the Justiciability of the Right to Peace, on the occasion of the United Nations Retaking of the Subject by the United Nations’, Revista do Instituto Brasilero de Direitos Humanos Ano 11 Vol 11 No. 11 2011. Hilary Evans Cameron, “Risk Theory and ‘Subjective Fear’: The Role of Risk Perception, Assessment, and Management in Refugee Status Determinations”, International Journal of Refugee Law , Volume 20, Issue 4, December 2008, Pages 567–585, https://doi. org/10.1093/ijrl/een032 Jillian Kestler D’Amours, “Advocates decry proposed change to Canada’s Asylum Law” in Al Jazeera (April 22, 2019) Stephanie Levitz, Over-burdened refugee tribunal ditches legislated timelines for hearings” , CBC, (February 20, 2018) Ilyce Shugall, “Why I resigned as an Immigration Judge” in The Los Angeles Times (August 4, 2019) Mila Versteeg, The Political Economy of the Constitutional Right to Asylum, 102 CORNELL L. REV. 1219, 1318 (2017). Beyond Proof, Credibility Assessments in EU Asylum Systems (UNHCR/European Refugee Fund of the European Commission May 2013) available at: https://www.unhcr. org/51a8a08a9.pdf Nick Miroff & Maria Sachetti, “Burgeoning Court Backlog of more than 850,000 cases undercuts Trump’s Immigration Agenda” in The Washington Post (May, 2 2019) National Immigration Forum, Fact Sheet US Asylum Process (January 10, 2019) Southern Poverty Law Center, The Attorney General’s Judges, How The US Immigration Courts became a Deportation Tool (June 25, 2019) “US Immigration Judges told to Process 700 cases a year” in BBC News (April 3, 2019). 13 See: and https://www.aljazeera . com/news/2019/04/advocates-decry-proposed-change-canada-asylum-system-190422194814676.html